Welcome to
The Resort Village of Wakaw Lake


Office Hours

Resort Village of Wakaw Lake

124 1st St. S. Beside Sarcan

Box 58 Wakaw SK  S0K 4P0

Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays

8:00am – 3:30pm

Phone number: 306-233-5671



Upcoming Events

Next Council Meeting

Monday, February 10, 2024

Resort Village Office 124 1st St. S., Wakaw SK

Radar Speed Signs 

Boat Launch

To request a key for the gate at the boat launch, please call the office at (306) 233-5671 or stop in during office hours.


Building and Development Permits

Just a reminder that permits are required for any building and development within the Resort Village of Wakaw Lake.

Permit applications forms can be found under resources.  Development permit application is free and building permit applications are $50.00.  ***If a plan review and inspection are required by the Building Inspector, there is an additional fee that is required before the permit is issued.

Permits are approved by the Development Officer, Pamela Wintringham, unless discretionary use is requested.

Building Inspector: Chris Gates, CCA Construction Code Authority.  Call (306) 370-2824 for information on building code and questions related to building.  Call Pamela Wintringham at (306) 233-5671 for questions related to permit applications, Zoning Bylaw, and development standards.





Only household garbage is allowed in the REACT bins.  All garbage must be bagged.

There are now flattened cardboard and paper recycling bins at the Resort Village.  No plastic or Styrofoam packing material permitted.



Voluntary Fire Fighters Insurance

Do you have Voluntary Fire Fighters insurance? We recommend at least $25,000 in coverage for fire fighting costs.  Contact your insurance provider to find out!

React Hours

REACT RM of Hoodoo Site Hours:

Winter Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Summer Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Wakaw Transfer Site Hours:

Winter: Thursday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Summer: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Call 1-888-757-6937 to report any burnt out street lights or visit their website : https://saskpower.streetlightoutages.com/map